Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Groups to join or just watch as a voyeur.

Whiskey Painter's of America - You can't join. Not even for ready money. Not unless you're lucky to know someone and someone in the group dies and you get nominated. Good luck with that.

Wetcanvas - A great website with all sorts of media represented. You can join for free and everyone is welcome. Check out the watercolor section. One of my favorites is Palette Addicts. Like how many palettes can you hoard. I think I'm very competitive as I have some pretty desirable palettes, plus a few really unique and scarce ones. But there are still a few I so wish were mine.

Society of All Artists or SAA. In the U.K. so don't pay to join, but see if you can join the "community" for free. Probably somewhat like Wetcanvas.

Most cities of reasonable size probably have some sort of watercolor society or club. There are quite a few in my county and more than one in the city.

San Diego Watercolor Society

There are watercolor societies in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia
There is the Minnesota Watercolor Society, the Lake Superior Watercolor Society and the Central Minnesota Watercolorists.

Yosemite: Sierra Watercolor Society.

There are national watercolor societies for all sorts of watercolor. The American Watercolor Society and Transparent Watercolor Society.

There are also Urban Sketchers with chapters all across the country and around the world. Here's a few:
San Diego
New Hope
Minneapolis/St. Paul

Some groups have considerable dues and are mostly on the professional level. Some you cannot join unless you submit paintings and they are judged worthy.

Some local groups are free and anyone at any level is welcome.

I encourage you to join a group either online or that meets locally. Feedback, as much as it may hurt, is necessary to help you see what improvements you can make.

Don't forget your local community college. Some have low cost adult classes or if you are experienced, Emeritus classes for those over a designated age, 55 or 60 perhaps.


  1. Thanks for this information! In the spring, I would like to try out Urban Sketchers in my area.

    1. You know the hard core urban sketchers are out there right now sketching in rain, sleet, snow but maybe not dark of night. Hope you find some fun locals to join and sketch with.


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